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MrsRaptor, the Open Salon blogger born May 22 whom I wrote about yesterday, adds that she is a twin,  mother of two sets of twins, and grandmother of twins. She's  typically communicative: not only a blogger but a ham radio operator, and her English (not her native language) is impeccable. Geminis show their need to communicate by picking up languages easily. (My father was a G and spoke 5 languages. Whenever we traveled he would pull out the local phonebook, even in some podunk motel that we stayed in for one night, and find someone in it who was related to someone from his home town in Eastern Europe, call them and invite them over for a drink.) 

Also, check out Neeti Ray's lovely appreciation of Gemini here.

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Reader Comments (2)

Now you are really going to chuckle. The languages I speak in the order that I learned to speak them: Lakota, English, American Sign Language, Spanish, Algonquin and my husband (For what it's worth he's a Pisces and speaks 8 or 9 languages) is currently teaching me Arabic.

One set of twins is Gemini, the other is Pisces...which is a coincidence that I have always found to be interesting. Most of our children speak at least Lakota, English and American Sign Language. Communication is one of those things that is actively encouraged and even our youngest pair (Six-year-old Gemini twins who are deaf) communicate well.
July 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMrsRaptor
Amazing! I mentioned my Gemini father. Mother was a Pisces, and I've always been attracted to the combination. Four memorable relationships with Geminis with Pisces Moons.Then I grew up and settled down with an Aquarian.
July 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterastrodreamer

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