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ALBRECHT DURER  one of the earliest Gemini media giants, perfected the manufacture and trade of the reproduced image, and launched several culturally influential images of Gemini itself. First, the widely-transmitted versions of the primal pair, the biblical Adam  and Eve.                                                                                                                                      adameve2.jpg




And this image from the climax of the judeo-christian writings, the Saint as Voracious Reader.



Durer was the first graphic entrepreneur, creating images for reproduction and distribution on a substantial scale.    The computer screen cannot do justice to these astonishing engravings, so I take the liberty to crop them badly. Seek out better examples at your local used book and print dealers. 



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  • Response
    This is a great information and all the historically interested people would love it. I know my friends always want to found these type of article which gives them old historical images so now they can able to learn it easily.

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